Monday, February 22, 2016

Supreme Court Justice: Should Be About The Law

The recent death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has brought to the front the nomination and confirmation process.  With on party in the White House and another party running the Congress, there is always a struggle about who will be confirmed as the next sitting judge.

My belief is this:  It shouldn't matter about political affiliation, personal beliefs or religious ideology.  It should be about the law, Constitutional Law to be exact.  They should be well versed in the Constitution, have a clear understanding what it truly means and be able to settle matters as a point of law. Anything other than that is an absolute miscarriage of justice.

The Supreme Court is our highest legal forum in our system of justice.  If we allow political, personal or religious beliefs enter into, we are actually going against the idea behind the Constitution.  The separation of Church and State means that religious ideology shouldn't come into play.  However, that doesn't mean that they can't rule on certain Bill of Rights issues, but only so far as the Law and Constitution allows.

For example, the Supreme Court can rule whether or not a particular act or idea is covered and protected under the  First Amendment.  However, it should not be used to ban a particular religion or belief system.  It should not be used to curtail anyone's personal faith and beliefs.  It should be used to give those people the right to practice and believe as they so choose.

The Supreme Court should not be beholden to a particular political view or ideology.  For instance, it should be used to allow people of all creeds, colors and genders the right to vote and participate in elections.  It should not  be used to limit certain freedoms according to how the Justices personally believe or their political party says they should believe.

A hot button topic that enters this arena is that of abortion.  The religious right believes there should absolutely be not abortions.  The ultra liberals thinks that there should be no limits.  This is so much discord over this, it has literally torn our country apart.

But, think about this:  What if a a woman is raped?  Should she have to carry the product of her sexual assault to term because someone believes it a sin?  You may think "Well, they could give it up for adoption".

That's all well good except, adoption procedures in this country are extremely rough to get through.  Couple that with the fact that there are over 100,000 children in foster care today that are eligible for adoption, what is going to this child different.

Many pro-life people stop caring about the child once it's born.  But, if you force a child to be born to a mother who doesn't want it or can't afford it, then what are we truly saying about the child?  You can't complain about welfare mothers but take a way an option that will help them.

I'm not saying that abortion should be used as a birth control method, but I am saying we need to have choices.  What about the woman who already has 2 or 3 or more children, but is in the middle of a divorce and can't provide for the children she has?  Are the pro-lifers going to come and help her with the situation?  I don't think so.

That is why a Supreme Court Justice should put away his political, personal and religious beliefs.  They need to look strictly at the law.  They want to limit birth control for women, or even worse, funding for Planned Parenthood.  But, not every Planned Parenthood conducts abortions, but offers free or low cost cancer screenings, yearly exams as well as sexually transmitted disease testing.  They also counsel many women about birth control.

Those that do preform abortions, don't take just anyone and do an abortion.  There is required counseling, waiting period and discussion before the procedure is ever preformed.  If you limit birth control, take away options to pregnancy, many of those children still won't be born. Many of those women will have illegal abortions, which can pose serious health risks including infection, perforation of the uterus and even death.  The cost to our health care system would sky rocket.  Just take a look at what happened before Roe Vs Wade.

If we allow a Justice to use personal beliefs, political affiliations or religious beliefs trumps the law, then the law has absolutely no meaning and then nobody's political, personal or religious ideology is safe or protected.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Amazon What Were You Thinking

I use social media...a lot.  FaceBook, Twitter, yep I do them.  Not into Instagram, but will when I have a cell phone that actually takes pictures.  I do use Pintrest, and Reddit, and a few others.  For being in my 50's, I've accepted the techno revolution and have become quite adept at searching the internet.  As a matter of fact, if I can't find it on the internet, it can't be found.

I so some online shopping and was considering getting an Amazon Prime Account.  They have things that I would like to have and that free 2 day shipping is a blessing in disguise.

So, you can imagine my horror on Friday when I logged into FaceBook and saw that Amazon was selling T-Shirts that were say the least.  On the front, it show someone hanging themselves on one side and someone overdosing on the other.  Across the top, it said "Suicide Watch".  On the back, it said  "Got Suicide?". An organization I belong to had a petition to remove those shirts.  I happily signed and shared to everyone of my friends.

If you don't already know, let me tell you why this is so wrong on so many different levels.  First, for those who have survived suicide, it's not a laughing matter.  Nor is it something to make fun of.  It's hard.  There is so much emotion that goes with the grief of those who are left behind someone who completes suicide.  This triggered many of my friends as they are also survivor's of suicide.

Second, To those contemplating suicide, this shirt would push you to do it.  There is a lot of shame that goes with being suicidal.  There is so much judgement from people who have never been there and seeing something like this could very well be the thing that pushes someone over the edge.

If you haven't been there, haven't been in that frame of mind, then don't say a word.  You don't know.  Some people say that suicide is selfish.  Those are the people who have never been there, or have survived a suicide and this is how they deal with their grief, with the questions that come with suicide and the guilt that will always follow.  They don't understand how that person could choose death instead of being with them.

Suicide is about escaping pain.  Nothing more, nothing less.  There is a small percentage that commit suicide by accident (those that accidently overdose chasing that high, autoerotica asphyxiation to think of a couple), but that is less than 1% of all suicides.  The people who are suicidal feel pain, a pain that seems to go on and on.  The emotional pain of being worthless, not good enough (and trust me, this is a pain that never truly goes away) to live.  I've been there, I know what I'm talking about.

My point is this  Amazon should have had some type of oversight committee to approve something like this.  I get the first amendment. Hell, I count on it at times.  But, just because you have the first amendment, that it protects your right to speech doesn't mean you get to escape the consequences of what you are saying.  Several people I know were boycotting Amazon because this T-Shirt was so offensive.

So, Amazon, what were you thinking?  Next time, maybe take a look at what is being sold on your site, make sure that it's not just socially offensive, but that it doesn't trigger a situation in which others could be physically or mentally injured or worse, cause a death.  I believe in free speech, but I also believe in having a social consciousness.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Pedestrians Beware

I walk to and/or from work often. And, when the weather gets better, will be almost everyday I work.  I enjoy the time walking. It gives me exercise, helps me to get energized for the day and gives me time to reflect.

I love walking.  Problem is, my place of employment is on one of the busiest streets in town and I have to cross the 3 busiest to get there.

I follow the pedestrian rules of the road.  I cross at crosswalks and only on walk signs.  At one intersection, I have actually have to cross both streets, so I wait for the walk sign.

When it comes on, I walk.  However, drivers don't pay attention to pedestrians.  You may have a green arrow to turn right (as what happens at one of the intersections), but I also have a walk sign.  That means, I HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY!

That's right.  I have the right of way.  It takes me 20 minutes to walk to work. I leave 40 minutes before work to make sure I have a few moments before clocking in and to make sure I have time to deal with drivers who don't understand the rules of the road.

I have been nearly hit in a crosswalk with the walk sign by everyone from cops to kids.  And, that's sad.  I leave earlier to make sure I get there in time, but it seems that people who drive leave at the last possible moment and then expect those who who it actually takes longer to get there to wait for them.

Not only that, I have had people stop inside the cross walk, making it impossible for me to cross with the light because I have to walk out into traffic which means I have to wait for another whole light cycle.  I can't walk as fast as a car can drive, so it can put me a whole 5 or more minutes behind.

Also, I recently had surgery on my knee, so I don't walk as fast as I normally would, so crossing the street is slower than usual, but still in enough time for cars to get where they are going.  I have been called dirty names, honked at and even flipped off because I use the crosswalk in the fashion it was designed, but because I am slower and people are impatient.

My point is this:  Yes cars are bigger, therefore, they have more responsibility to watch out for the pedestrian, because, really, if you were to hit someone, whether it was your fault or not, the guilt it would leave with is unimaginable.

Thursday, December 10, 2015


Recently, President Obama approved the settlement of 50.000 Syrian refugees, to the dismay of hundreds of thousands Americans.  Most of these people who disapprove, but not all, are right wing Christians.

These naysayers disapprove because "all Muslims are looking to kill us".  "Islam is a religion of violence".  "We can't take care of our own, so why should we take care of others?"  "They hate us and only want to see us dead".  And the list of reasons go on.

These people need a serious history and religion/belief lesson.  So, here I will attempt to give these intolerant people not only a history lesson, but a lesson on religion and tolerance.

First, most people will say that the US is a Christian country, founded on the teachings of Jesus, following the morality and lessons that he taught in an attempt to be "saved" and go to heaven upon their death.

I was a "Fundamentalist Christian" at one time.  Today, I am Wiccan, a type of Paganism.  While not all Wiccans believe as me, the basic tenants of Wicca is "Do No Harm".  I do believe that Jesus lived and he was a great teacher, a great leader, a great profit.  I believe in the lessons he taught on how to live our lives.  Many right wing "Christians" obviously need a reminder of his lessons.

Jesus did not preach hate.  He preached love, tolerance, understanding and acceptance.  Notice that not one of his disciples were not hte most respectable people at all.  They weren't the cream of the crop, the most righteous.  No.  they were mostly the dregs. He had a murderer, a tax collector, a thief, a doubter, a fisherman.

Yet, in these people, Jesus saw their potential.  He saw who they truly were inside.  He accepted them, welcomed them, called to them.  In some religions, these disciples have become saints.  Yet, today, we do nothing but pass judgment, refuse to accept and love.

Jesus taught "if a man smite you on your right cheek, turn to him also your left" (Matthew 5:39).  He taught "What ever you do for least of you so have you done for me (Matthew 25:40).  "Judge not lest ye be judged by the very measure by which you judge (Matthew 7:1).  "For all fall short of the Glory of God (Romans 3:23).   " Do unto others and you would have done unto you" (Luke 6:31)And, my personal favorite,  Love one another as I have loved you. (John 13:34)

Jesus was a radical for his time.  He taught about love, he taught about acceptance and he taught that there was more than just this life.  He also said that the road to hell was paved with good intentions. Remember, the followers of Jesus were generally of the Jewish faith.  He also called the Gentiles (Non-Jewish).  He was the fulfillment of the law.  His teachings take the place of the violence of the Old Testament.

SO, WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?  Well, he wouldn't be refusing to help those who were in dire need of help just because a terrorist maybe int he midst.  He would accept them with open and loving arms.

When it comes to radicals, the US is not above everyone else.  Recently we've had a bunch of abortion clinic bombings and shootings.  So, if you believe in Jesus, if you are a Christian, where does it say "Thou shall not kill, unless it means that someone who isn't born would be saved?"

I really want to address this point right here.  Many Christians don't believe in abortion, but they don't kill to force people to believe as they do.  They protest, they talk/counsel those who are considering it, they pray, but they don't KILL others.  Period.  They concede that there might be reasons that a woman might need one.

Here are a few examples, only the cruelest of people would force a woman who has been brutally raped that became pregnant because of that rape to carry a child that not only reminds her of the brutalization she received, but also possible other effects.  This woman will have PTSD, have no doubts about that.  The hormonal changes, the depression, the PTSD may cause that woman to have serious mental health issues that could lead to things such as drug or alcohol use, neglect of herself and her unborn child and even suicide.

How about a woman who already has children and is barely able to support them.  She is in the middle of a divorce and knows she can't support this new child.  Should she bring another child she knows she can't support just to ease your conscience, your beliefs?  She is the one who will have to face the consequences, not you.

You say "There are other options, such as adoption available".  Well, right now we have over 100,000 children that are available for adoption right now and you're asking for more to be added.  You complain about the homeless and starving children, yet you want to add more to those numbers.  You want a child to be born, but you don't want to guarantee that child a decent chance of success.  How cruel is that.

For those that bomb and shoot abortion clinics and personnel in the name of Christianity, what will you say to Jesus when you see him during the judgement?  Do you honestly think he's going to say "Well, because you did it in my name, this murder is okay"?


For those who don't know, this country was founded on the premise of separation of church and state and the right to religious freedom.  But do you know why?

In Europe, the Catholic Church reigned supreme.  They ran almost all of Europe and wanted to rule the world.  Their tenants were forced on people who did not believe, often it was a confess, believe as we do or die.  And, these were not nice deaths.  These were deaths by boiling in oil, burning at the stake, drawing and quartering.  Yes, those things are in our history.

Using violence and death was commonplace and many of the Monarchy (almost the whole of Europe was ran by some sort of monarchy system) passed laws made by the church. Even today, the Bible that you read is based on the selections made by the Pope of the time. During the reformation in the 1500's, those that preached that what the Church was teaching was not what Jesus taught.  These protestants were often hunted down and made to recant, or even worse, put to death after a sham of a trial.

Our, founding fathers saw this, experienced this and sought to escape this religious persecution. When writing the very basis of all of our laws and rights, they didn't want the Church (any church) to have the power that was so evident in the Monarchy ran Europe.  They didn't want the interference, the restrictions that they often saw.  They also didn't want someone to be persecuted based on their religion.

How would you Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Lutherans or any of the hundreds of other protestant religions feel if you didn't have the right to worship as you chose?  What if you were forced to believe that something you went against your very nature because if you didn't, you would be put to death?  Our constitution keeps that from happening.

But, now, many Americans are wanting to deny others the very freedom which they enjoy.  They want to deny Muslims the right to worship as they choose.  Yes, they call God Allah, but it is the very same God that you worship, the Jews worship.  How many names has God been given.  How about I am (read the first five books of the Bible), Yeweh, Jehovah.

And, so many of the Right Wing Christian conservatives, especially those in office are rich.  Remember what Jesus said about the rich?  "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle then for a rich man to enter heaven". (Matthew 19:24).

Our founding fathers must be turning in their graves right now.  They didn't base our system of government on ANY type of religion.  They wanted religion taken out of Politics.  How they would be so disappointed with what we have done with their ideals.

The first settlers here were Puritans, Shakers, Quakers.  Our first political powerhouses varied in their manner of beliefs.  Yet, one of the most embarrassing moments in our history was the Salem Witch Trials.  It was put to an end by the Governor of Massachusetts.  People were put to death because of a simple accusation.  The trials were not fair (another one of our rights).  How would that play out today?

In today's views, Jesus would be considered a liberal.  He believed in helping all, accepting all, do the best for each other.  Yet, the religious right forgets this, or rewrites it so that they can feel like they are "Good people".

All religions have radicals.  That is the very essence of being human.  Even here, in the US, we have our radicals.  The KKK is a "Christian" organisation that preaches hate, has resorted to all sorts of violence and yes, still exists today.  I have been to a KKK rally (as an agitator against them, I must profess).  When they started spouting about whites are in charge and Jesus would take care of everyone and how the Jews are ruining things, and mongrels are depleting the race and on and on, I made the simple observation that Jesus was a Jew and was Middle Eastern.  That did not set to well, but in truth, that is exactly what Jesus was.  Born of the House of David, who was a prominent King of the Jews.

As a matter of fact, do you remember what it said on his cross?  "King Of Jews". So, yes, Jesus was a Jew.  And, do you honestly believe, being born in the land of Israel, Jesus was blue eyed and white?  The nice thing is, though, we each see Jesus/God in our own way.  We were made in his image, so how can one race say they are better than the others?

Other radicals.  Mormons, how quickly did you distance yourself from Warren Jefferies when he was convicted not only of Polygamy, but also of child molestation?  David Koresch was not non violent.  He was a child molesting psychopath who had several heavy duty weapons to bring about Armageddon.

Yes, the US has just as many religious radicals as other countries.  As a matter of fact, when it comes to the radicalization of the Middle East and Muslims, who do you think is at fault?  The US is.  That's right, the US and it's allies are directly responsible not only for the Taliban, but for ISIS also.

How can that be, you say?  Well, in the 1980's when the Soviet Union was invading Afghanistan, we helped the Afghanis repel them.  But, we didn't help them set up a new political system.  We didn't help them build schools, educate them or even help with medical needs.  Nope, we helped them kick out the "Commies", then we left ourselves, leaving the region in a very destabilized situation.  Enter the Taliban.

Pop a head 20 - 30 years.  We remove the dictators and bomb their cities and then, do we stay to help set up a new government?  NO!  we leave them to their own devices, allowing those who use violence as a means of control to take over.....and we end up with ISIS.

Yes, Jesus was a liberal. You could say that he lived in different times and that is true.  But, remember, he lived in a country under Roman rule, which was harsh to say the least.  He believed in helping his fellow man.  Even in the Garden of Gethsemane, as he was being arrested, going to his certain death, Peter cut off the ear of the servant of the high priest.

Did Jesus say good?  No, he rebuked him and told him to put away his sword and healed the servant's ear.  (Luke 22 47-53).  In that one act, one where violence could be warranted, he denigrated the violence and healed what had been done.  Jesus does not want violence committed in his name, and in this one final act, he showed us that he meant to live by peace and love.

So, if you call yourself a Christian, follow the teachings of Jesus, shouldn't you be using non-violence, love, peace and helping others?

WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?  He would accept those people, even those who hate him (remember, Paul accepted, love and taught his Roman captors as he was awaiting crucifixion), and try to use these methods to bring them to his way.  If this is what Jesus would do, how can you do less?

Thursday, October 31, 2013

My Life Is A Life Time Movie Of The Week

Looking back and all I have survived so much.  Let me start at the beginning and I will let you decide.

My mom when she was pregnant with me, was the center of all the attention.  Now my mom had a narcissistic personalty.  So after I was born, and all the attention was on me, she didn't like it.  She always said I preferred to stay in my crib alone, so there was very little mother-daughter bonding.  My dad, however, thought I was the apple of his eye.  I remember very little of my childhood, just only what I had been told
I do remember playing with my little sister. we were playing chase.  And I ran into a room, and went to shut the door.  My sister put her hand in back of the door by the hinges.  I accidentally cut off her pinkie finger.  Now this was in the 70's so it was reattached, but now very well.  It always grew stunted.
I was made to care for my sister, even though she was the apple of my mothers eye.  Not sure why she was but not me,but that is the way it was.  If she got hurt, I got a spanking with some type of kitchen utensil.  I would then bury the offending kitchen utensil.  When my mom went to cook, and she didn't have utensils, I would get another spanking.  She finally switched to pussy willow switches that we had to pick out ourselves.
I was a rotten kid, but I was doing anything I could to get my mothers attention, negative or positive.  I did play a very bad practical joke on my sister in which I did deserve a spanking.  I convinced her that horse shit was molasses and got her to eat it. Then I convinced her that a red rock was the devil coming to get her.  She had night mares for weeks.
When i was about 9 ,y parents divorced.  I was asked who I wanted to go with.  My mom really pushed me towards my dad, but I wanted to be with my little sister, so she got custody of both of us.  We ended uplilving in a 14 foot trailer behind the bard she worked at.  I ha to watch my sister from about 7 pm until she came home.  That could be as late as 5:30. the time I had to get ready for school.  As we lived 30 miles out of town, I had to be on the bus at 6:00 am or so.
At some point, my grandparents came and got my sister and I to live with them.  I was in the 4th grade at this time.  My sister was just starting school.  It was one of the best years of my life.  I didn't have to fear reprisal for every little thing done, or have to watch over my sister every minute of the day.  My grandparents were loving and patient with both of us.  My grandmother did dote on my little sister a bit more, but that is because she was so petite.  I have never been petite.  I was always told that it was a good thing I was smart, then I didn't have worry about finding a husband.  It kind of hit me funny, like I wasn't pretty enough to interest a man, and that may be because they always said how cute my sister was, how much like Valerie Bertenelli she looked, those kind of comments.  Made me feel like an outsider.
My mom remarried, as did my dad.  My dad included us in his wedding, My mom just popped up one day, said she was married and was taking us kids to live with her and her new husband.  We were both glad, Missy because she was close to mom, me because I wanted to prove I was good enough.'
We moved to Hoquim, Washington, where David (our new step dad) was working  He worked for the railroad, and at any given time, he could be "bumped" from his job, and we would have to move so that he could "bump" someone else. 
We lived in Hoquim for about 1 year.  I made friends, joined the soccer team.  I was one of the best players because I could use wither foot equally accurate.  We spent a lot of time at the beach, went clamming, and did things as a family.  But, then Dave got bumped.  We moved to Moscow, Idaho.  I was 10 at the time.  It was while we were living there that we finally go to meet our step brother, Tony.  We had a lot of fun,  Had friends, and well I started to babysit.  All the money I made went to my parents as "help" with paying for my keep.  This would become the standard by which I would live by.
Once again, David got bumped from his job. This time,he was able to find a job back home in the Tri-Cities, Washington.  This is where my grandparents, my dad, all of our families lived.  It was nice to be back.  I had turned 11 and developed rather large breasts for my age.  Something David did not miss.
We moved to a three bedroom duplex so that us girls had our own rooms.  It was then that David began to touch my breasts saying that they were nice.  And that I would make some guy very happy.  he also told me this is the way that dad's show love to their girls.  Now you have to remember, as far as my mother was concerned, I was someone with whom she had to compete with.  If we played a game, she had to beat me.  She had to be smarter, prettier, just everything better than me. 
I was mever good enough.  I could bring home 6 A's and 1 B, and it would be why didn't I get all A's.  If there was an issue as school, she would not listen to me, but always blamed me, even if the school was trying to tell her it wasn't my fault.  Like the time I walked into the locker room, so see a good friend's back covered in bruises and blisters.  I went and reported it immediately to the principal.  They called my mom to let her know what a good deed I had done.  I got a whipping for telling on someone else.  That was my life.  Never good enough.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Government Shut Down

I want to express my extreme displeasure at our government.  The Republicans are saying well we won't pass a budget unless Obamacare goes.  The Democrats are saying we are trying to protect the little people.

The shut down has now occurred.  But it's not the House or the Senate, the President or any of his cabinet that is going without pay.  No.  It is the little guy who works for the government.  While I do believe in healthcare for everyone, and I do mean everyone, to take out the petty differences of these two parties who have lost touch with their constituents is unforgivable.

SHAME ON YOU MR. PRESIDENT AND SHAME ON YOU MR. CRUZ.  You have let a partisan issue effect millions of people who now have no income and are going to become part of the working poor. You need to step out of your offices, put politics aside and truly look at the people who are affected.

How are you explaining this to your constituents?  How are you explaining how a petty battle has now made it so that these workers don't have a way to pay their bills?  What about those who depended on that income to be able to survive?  Is this in their best interest?

This has become nothing more than a pissing contest and I can tell you this:  The American Public's is bigger than both of yours.  If the American public ran their homes and businesses the way you guys do, there would be nothing left of our country to worry about fighting over.

Step outside your protected offices and pay, go to some of the hardest hit areas.  Talk to people who have to live with the decision that you make.  You want to satisfy those who lobbied you or donated to your campaign, but I can tell you this, It won't be anarchy, but we, the American people will speak, and you won't like what you are going to be told.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Obamacare: A True Story

I have heard a lot of talk about Obamacare.  The debate has been ongoing since he began office.  The Republicans cry "it's too expensive".  The Democrats cry "it is an American right".  I believe they are both right and they are both wrong.  Let me tell you a true story, and how Obamacare could have helped.  Then you decide.

Ever since the announcement that the Obamacare health plan was unveiled, my sister was excited.  You see, my sister who is now in her mid-40's, has not had health insurance in the last 15 or so years.  She can't afford it.  She works in child care and the pay is just above minimum wage so her gross monthly income runs about $1600 a month and there is an additional income of $1400 per month for survivors benefits for her son. Sounds good doesn't it?  Well let me give you some facts about that.

She has the standard federal taxes taken out, which amounts to about $400 or so dollars a month.  She has to drive, and so she has to buy car insurance, there's another $50.  She has a teenage son, and well, you know how expensive they can be.

Rent runs $800 a month.  Yes the place is a little large, it has 4 bedrooms, but it has a fenced yard, a garden and a garage.  She could move to a smaller place, but considering that a 2 bedroom apartment is going for $700 a month and she wouldn't get to keep her dogs, she has decided to stay.

Then there is the utilities.  The water, electricity and garbage run about $250 per month.  There is no cable bill, so she only has Netflix to watch.  Internet, which is at less and 1.0 mps, runs $25.00 per month.  Food runs around $400 per month.  She doesn't have a home phone just a cell phone, which the plan she uses costs $50 per month for unlimited everything.

So lets total this up:    $1200 Working Income
                                 $1400 Survivors Benefits
                                 $2600 Total income per month

                                 $ 800 Rent
                                 $ 250 Utilities
                                 $ 400 Food (and this is not steaks or expensive fast food, she does her own cooking)
                                 $   50 Car Insurance
                                 $   50 Cell phone
                                 $   25 Internet
So far she has $1025 left.  Now lets factor in some other things.  Her refrigerator went out, and of course she didn't have the money to buy a new or used one outright, so she had to rent to own on.  Same with the washer.  Together those are $150.00 per month.  True she could go to a laundry mat, but the cost is so expensive, it almost saves money.

Then you add in gas for her vehicle.  That runs about $200 per month.  She could take the bus, but she has to be at work before they even start running, so that wouldn't be practical.  She is got a ticket that wasn't her fault, but she still has to pay it.  Another $25 down the drain.

Teenage boys grow out of their clothes and shoes almost before you done paying for them.  And then they are hard on them.  Figure another $100 or so per month  You must figure in household supplies.  Detergent, soap, dish soap, dog food, cleaning supplies, shampoo, conditioner, feminine hygiene products all come to about and extra $100.  Plus incidentals, lets give another $100.  So now we have:

                               $ 150 Rent to Own
                               $ 200 Gas
                               $   25 Ticket
                               $ 100 Teenage Boy  (Shopping at discount stores.  Shoes more due to foot size)
                               $ 100  Household supplies
                               $ 100 Incidentals
                               $ 675

So now she has $350 left per month.  Still sounds good right?  Her job does not offer health insurance.  Both she and her son need medications, which they can't afford because they are expensive and with no insurance, they have to pay full price.  That comes to another $500 per month.  Oops, now she's over what she has available to spend.

To top it all off, last year she became seriously ill with a kidney stone and was hospitalized for 3 days, 2 of which were in ICU.  She had to have emergency surgery.  Total Hospital bill: Over $200,000 dollars.  She didn't have healthcare and she didn't meet the income guidelines for charitable relief, so yep, she is responsible.

She doesn't qualify for state health insurance for her or her son, she is $30 over the limit.  She doesn't qualify for food benefits, so there is no help there.  She couldn't afford to pay what the hospital wanted, so it went to collection, so now they are garnishing her, which means that original $1200 left over went to about $800.  She checked into buying health insurance herself.  Lowest bid $600 per month, and that is without prescription, dental or vision.

She works full time.  She does not rely on any state or federal funding.  She is the working poor. She needs new glasses (her eyesight is terrible), but can't get them because she doesn't have the money.  She avoids going to the doctor, because she can't afford $100 for each visit.  She does manage to get prescriptions refills every 3 months, but that is little help.  With Obamacare, maybe she and her son can have some health insurance that would ease her burden.

So the next time you are talking about the Obamacare health plan, consider this, it isn't the rich or those on state aid it helps.  It is those people who work for a living, and yet can not afford health care.  Mitt Romney was heard to say, well the poor just go to the emergency room anyway, so why do we need this.

Well, Mr. Romney, you have never had to live paycheck to paycheck.  You have never had to live by a budget that the ordinary expenses was more than the income.  Why don't you and everyone of the detractor's get down in the trenches and live on a budget that a working family does.  She is raising her son through no fault of her own.  His father died.  That was a loss of income of $1600 per month.

She tries to do right by the government.  She obeys all the laws and to my way of thinking is a goody two shoes (sorry, but I am not as saintly as she is).  She has given to her community and tried to make the world a little better.  She has done right by the government.  When are they going to do right by her?