Saturday, September 29, 2012

Washington State: It's not just apples anymore

When I was little, Washington state was known for the apples that were grown there. It was the biggest commodity they had to offer. Growing up in Benton County, the second largest production area for wine, I have seen and experienced the growth of this industry. Now being the second largest wine producing state in the nation, Washington has made it's mark on the national and international scenes. 

Offering a premium taste at affordable prices, these wines have ranked consistently high on the international scene. Rivaling those offered from France, Italy and Spain, they have become some of the must haves on the wine enthusiast's list. With a wide variety of both red and white wines, they have something from everyone. 

The vineyards found here vary in size and production levels. On the east side of the state, that is more desert than lush green country, wine production and grape harvesting have become one of the biggest economy boosters that the state has. Stabilizing employment and jobs available, this industry has become a viable source of income for everyone. 

These wineries also offer tours and bring in about 1.4 million tourists a year according to the Washington Wine Commission. This adds extra dollars to even the smallest town coffers. Places like Patterson Washington, who's population is only 222, has one of the biggest producers of wine in the state, Columbia Crest. Hidden in the Horse Heaven hills, surrounded by desert like country, the first view of the lush green of the vineyard is a sight that will not soon be forgotten. 

Along with the vineyards, many wineries offer tasting rooms that allow to sample some the finest wines that Washington has to offer. With wineries easily accessible, and close, you can visit a wide variety in a day or weekend. Many also offer cafes to dine in and entertainment areas to enjoy concerts that occur year round and by staying at a local bed and breakfast, that romantic getaway can be quite affordable. 

Washington has more to offer than just Microsoft, Boeing and apples. They now have premier wines that are offered here and abroad. So the next time you are buying that bottle of wine, think about a Washington state wine. You will not be disappointed. 

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