I want to express my extreme displeasure at our government. The Republicans are saying well we won't pass a budget unless Obamacare goes. The Democrats are saying we are trying to protect the little people.
The shut down has now occurred. But it's not the House or the Senate, the President or any of his cabinet that is going without pay. No. It is the little guy who works for the government. While I do believe in healthcare for everyone, and I do mean everyone, to take out the petty differences of these two parties who have lost touch with their constituents is unforgivable.
SHAME ON YOU MR. PRESIDENT AND SHAME ON YOU MR. CRUZ. You have let a partisan issue effect millions of people who now have no income and are going to become part of the working poor. You need to step out of your offices, put politics aside and truly look at the people who are affected.
How are you explaining this to your constituents? How are you explaining how a petty battle has now made it so that these workers don't have a way to pay their bills? What about those who depended on that income to be able to survive? Is this in their best interest?
This has become nothing more than a pissing contest and I can tell you this: The American Public's is bigger than both of yours. If the American public ran their homes and businesses the way you guys do, there would be nothing left of our country to worry about fighting over.
Step outside your protected offices and pay, go to some of the hardest hit areas. Talk to people who have to live with the decision that you make. You want to satisfy those who lobbied you or donated to your campaign, but I can tell you this, It won't be anarchy, but we, the American people will speak, and you won't like what you are going to be told.
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