Thursday, October 31, 2013

My Life Is A Life Time Movie Of The Week

Looking back and all I have survived so much.  Let me start at the beginning and I will let you decide.

My mom when she was pregnant with me, was the center of all the attention.  Now my mom had a narcissistic personalty.  So after I was born, and all the attention was on me, she didn't like it.  She always said I preferred to stay in my crib alone, so there was very little mother-daughter bonding.  My dad, however, thought I was the apple of his eye.  I remember very little of my childhood, just only what I had been told
I do remember playing with my little sister. we were playing chase.  And I ran into a room, and went to shut the door.  My sister put her hand in back of the door by the hinges.  I accidentally cut off her pinkie finger.  Now this was in the 70's so it was reattached, but now very well.  It always grew stunted.
I was made to care for my sister, even though she was the apple of my mothers eye.  Not sure why she was but not me,but that is the way it was.  If she got hurt, I got a spanking with some type of kitchen utensil.  I would then bury the offending kitchen utensil.  When my mom went to cook, and she didn't have utensils, I would get another spanking.  She finally switched to pussy willow switches that we had to pick out ourselves.
I was a rotten kid, but I was doing anything I could to get my mothers attention, negative or positive.  I did play a very bad practical joke on my sister in which I did deserve a spanking.  I convinced her that horse shit was molasses and got her to eat it. Then I convinced her that a red rock was the devil coming to get her.  She had night mares for weeks.
When i was about 9 ,y parents divorced.  I was asked who I wanted to go with.  My mom really pushed me towards my dad, but I wanted to be with my little sister, so she got custody of both of us.  We ended uplilving in a 14 foot trailer behind the bard she worked at.  I ha to watch my sister from about 7 pm until she came home.  That could be as late as 5:30. the time I had to get ready for school.  As we lived 30 miles out of town, I had to be on the bus at 6:00 am or so.
At some point, my grandparents came and got my sister and I to live with them.  I was in the 4th grade at this time.  My sister was just starting school.  It was one of the best years of my life.  I didn't have to fear reprisal for every little thing done, or have to watch over my sister every minute of the day.  My grandparents were loving and patient with both of us.  My grandmother did dote on my little sister a bit more, but that is because she was so petite.  I have never been petite.  I was always told that it was a good thing I was smart, then I didn't have worry about finding a husband.  It kind of hit me funny, like I wasn't pretty enough to interest a man, and that may be because they always said how cute my sister was, how much like Valerie Bertenelli she looked, those kind of comments.  Made me feel like an outsider.
My mom remarried, as did my dad.  My dad included us in his wedding, My mom just popped up one day, said she was married and was taking us kids to live with her and her new husband.  We were both glad, Missy because she was close to mom, me because I wanted to prove I was good enough.'
We moved to Hoquim, Washington, where David (our new step dad) was working  He worked for the railroad, and at any given time, he could be "bumped" from his job, and we would have to move so that he could "bump" someone else. 
We lived in Hoquim for about 1 year.  I made friends, joined the soccer team.  I was one of the best players because I could use wither foot equally accurate.  We spent a lot of time at the beach, went clamming, and did things as a family.  But, then Dave got bumped.  We moved to Moscow, Idaho.  I was 10 at the time.  It was while we were living there that we finally go to meet our step brother, Tony.  We had a lot of fun,  Had friends, and well I started to babysit.  All the money I made went to my parents as "help" with paying for my keep.  This would become the standard by which I would live by.
Once again, David got bumped from his job. This time,he was able to find a job back home in the Tri-Cities, Washington.  This is where my grandparents, my dad, all of our families lived.  It was nice to be back.  I had turned 11 and developed rather large breasts for my age.  Something David did not miss.
We moved to a three bedroom duplex so that us girls had our own rooms.  It was then that David began to touch my breasts saying that they were nice.  And that I would make some guy very happy.  he also told me this is the way that dad's show love to their girls.  Now you have to remember, as far as my mother was concerned, I was someone with whom she had to compete with.  If we played a game, she had to beat me.  She had to be smarter, prettier, just everything better than me. 
I was mever good enough.  I could bring home 6 A's and 1 B, and it would be why didn't I get all A's.  If there was an issue as school, she would not listen to me, but always blamed me, even if the school was trying to tell her it wasn't my fault.  Like the time I walked into the locker room, so see a good friend's back covered in bruises and blisters.  I went and reported it immediately to the principal.  They called my mom to let her know what a good deed I had done.  I got a whipping for telling on someone else.  That was my life.  Never good enough.

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